Friday, July 3, 2015

My day so far...

The youngest two got into the Gatorade mix this morning.  You think  is bad, drink mix is like glitter with glue added. Time release glue that becomes active with even the smallest amount of moisture, such as the sweat on your skin.

They got it head to toe and traveled bed to bed like plague rats.  Sparkly, drooling, lemon scented plague rats.

Soon, there was drink mix everywhere.  I think there is still some in my hair. We had to take all of the cusions and bedding to the laundromat.  We had to mop the whole travel trailer.

It was an epic mess.

I am more than a little bit impressed really.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Not Sure What to Think

A lot has been said about leaving out Black Widow toys and gear and I would not want to encourage the corporations to decide not to give service to her at all, but I am just not that comfortable with this costume for little girls.  On the one hand, I know that little boy costumes often have muscles padded in.  On the other, I am not sure that little girls need a painted on bosom.

Black Widow Costume

I am linking to Party City because I originally saw the costume there, not because I believe they are directly responsible for the design of the costume.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Venom At The Breakfast Table

I wore a Marvel themed T-Shirt this morning and the children were talking about the various characters on it. One of which is Venom. My seven year old was telling the other children that Spider Man's friend Harry Osbourn turned into Venom... "I don't think so big guy," I said, "remember that the Osbourn father and son both turned into the Green Goblin?" "Oh yeah!" He replied. So I asked him if he would like to look it up after breakfast and he said he would. There you have it, Geeky Research, first thing in the morning.

It was Eddie Brock by the way.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Although we would like to indoctrinate our young into Geek Culture from birth, there are things they do not understand at various ages. Other times they may not have the attention span. Enter Pokoyo. Now this show is not Geeky per say, but since it mentions things like caterpillars turning into butterflies and concepts like sharing and telling the truth we love this at our house.

The characters in Pokoyo do not do a lot of talking, that is mostly left to Stephen Fry who plays Narrator. However, when Pokoyo does say something it is relatively coherent which is sometimes missing in a show aimed at toddlers. The episodes are only about seven minutes or so a piece, which works out very well for my kids because they love to run around all day and do not tend to watch that much television.

You can catch quite a few episodes on Netflix, but not all of them. I am working on buying the dvd's just so that they can see some new ones. This feels lke a show that will have staying power in my household... For someone with just one or two children it might not, but with us the children are staggered in age.

The Odd Chemistry Lesson...

 My fourteen year old Aspie is trying to explain chemical composition to his five year old cousin. "No, helium is an element, it isn't made of anything else... unless you count sub atomic particles and then you are assembling sub atomic particles which is very hard."

This started because he was trying to explain how to create salt. Needless to say they veered wildly off topic. His "textbook" for this impromptu class? The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe (Theodore Grey)

P.S.  Tomorrow is Pi day, do you have dinner plans yet?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It is starting to seem like this blog should be called Growing Happy Female Geeklings.  I apologize, that was not my intention.  In fact, my boys far out number my one daughter, but there are days when I catch a snippet about Paris or Lindsy in the news (purely on accident I assure you) and I cringe to think what sort of girl I will be MIL to.

Anyway... This article is about the lack of heroes for girls in Geekdom.  It is not to say that girls cannot like male characters or appreciate their attributes.  I would not begin to suggest that, I loved Logan long before the movies came out after all.  However, it really could not hurt to have more females who kick ass to emulate.  Although I have to admit Wonder Woman was never all that exciting to me, and I always felt Jean Grey was just too wishy washy... I always loved Rogue.  Guess I'm a sucker for a tortured soul.

Wonder Women! Searches for Pop Culture...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Importance of Strong Geek Girls

A lot of areas in Geekdom are still terribly biased against females.  It is almost as if they do not want us here.  Never fear, women still live longer than men and I am pretty sure it is only old school geek guys who are still mad about being rejected at Prom who are responsible for this.

In the meantime what we can do is train our boys to respect women and encourage them to join in the fun.  Part of this is giving them an education on how women contribute to society as a whole, and today is International Women's Day!  So do not just focus on our daughters, let our boys see just what their mothers and sisters are capable of!